WICK System
The wick system is very similar to the deep water culture (DWC), in that you need the basics, air pump, water reservoir, air stone and, nutrient solution. What is added is another container, a wick, and some sort of neutral medium.
How Does A Hydroponics Wick system work?
In a hydroponic wick system, something called capillary action feeds the nutrient solution to the root zone of the plants. Capillary action is the mechanism by which sponges and paper towels draw up liquid from a surface. It’s also how a candlewick draws wax or an oil lamp wick draws its fuel up to where the flame is – which is why we also have the term “wicking” to describe the same phenomenon.
Wick system hydroponics is a passive form of hydroponics thus no water pumps are needed. Rather, it just describes the basic functioning of the system. The simplest of all the hydroponics systems often include a pump to aerate the nutrient solution, While not required for the system to work, it is highly recommended. The capillary action delivers the liquid to the roots all by itself.